The Person domain contains information about Persons and other living entities. Despite the package name, this package also includes animals, because they might be recipients of care or might be the subject of tests for either research or public health purposes.The Person domain also contains concepts associated with Persons (or Animals) when they are acting in the role of a Patient or other subject of interest in a healthcare setting. This includes employment and occupational information as well as contact party information and next of kin information. Concepts associated with Persons acting in the role of a healthcare provider are not modeled here, but rather in a separate Provider package. That package also contains educational and specialty information suitable for credentialing purposes.This package contains two additional packages, one for birth certificate information and one for death certificate information. While nearly all Persons will have a birth certificate, and eventually a death certificate, this information is not needed about Persons in every circumstance. That having been said, some information such as birth date is typically recorded about persons and is also found on the birth certificate. To handle these overlaps, some information is duplicated in both the Person class and the birth or death certificate observations, some observations are shared between the two (such as cause of death), and others are expected to be derivable. Implementers have the flexibility to determine how best to instantiate these concepts for their purposes.The Person domain references three other packages: Provider, Common, and Datatypes.Concepts associated with Persons (and Organizations) acting in the role of a healthcare Provider are modeled in the Provider package. Classes that are used in multiple domains are modeled in the Common package.The FHIM uses simple or “primitive” datatypes wherever possible, but does define several common structures. See the Datatypes package for details on these.
Alias | |
Keywords | |
Name | Person |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | FHIM |
Nesting Package | FHIM |
Owned Template Signature | |
Owner | FHIM |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Visibility | Public |