| Person UML Documentation |
Summary:AttributesProperties | Detail:Attributes |
A physical entity which is the primary unit of operational and/or administrative interest in a study. For example, a person who is registered in a study as a recipient of an investigational product or as a control. May also include individuals who are being screened for studies, or individuals participating in observational or other studies. Other examples may include a devicess such as a pacemaker or a fuse that can be used in medical devices, a cow, a farm, a pen of pigs, a tissue sample from a tissue bank, etc. Note that the subject might not be an entire entity but a part of one, for exaample, a patch of person's skin where dermatological products are tested. The one person may have multiple areas of skin being tested simultaneously for different products - in this case, each area of skin would be a separate research subject. Note also that study subjects within a study are all of the same type."A physical entity which is the primary unit of operational and/or administrative interest in a study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject
Attributes | ||
String | ![]() |
A study arm is "a group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial that receives specific interventions, or no intervention, according to the study protocol. This is decided before the trial begins" (ClinicalTrials.gov). This property identifies the study arm in which the research subject actually took part (as opposed to the arm to which the subject was originally assigned)"The name of the arm in the study the subject actually followed as part of this study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.actualArm |
String | ![]() |
A study arm is "a group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial that receives specific interventions, or no intervention, according to the study protocol. This is decided before the trial begins" (ClinicalTrials.gov). This property identifies the study arm to which the research subject is assigned."The name of the arm in the study the subject is expected to follow as part of this study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.assignedArm |
ConsentDirective | ![]() |
"A record of the patient's informed agreement to participate in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.consent |
Entity | ![]() |
"The record of the person or animal who is involved in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.individualNote that FHIR points to Patient, which is good for Persons and Animals, but the FHIM points to Entity in order to handle other types of subjects such as a barnyard, or a device. |
«II» Id | ![]() |
"Identifiers assigned to this research study by the sponsor or other systems." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.identifier |
«IVL_TS» TimeInterval | ![]() |
"The dates the subject began and ended their participation in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.period |
«CS» Code | ![]() |
"The current state of the subject." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.status |
ResearchStudy | ![]() |
"Reference to the study the subject is participating in." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.study |
Alias | |
Classifier Behavior | |
Is Abstract | false |
Is Active | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Keywords | |
Name | ResearchSubject |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | Person |
Owned Template Signature | |
Owner | Person |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Package | Person |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject |
Representation | |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Visibility | Public |
Attribute Details |
Public String actualStudyArm
A study arm is "a group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial that receives specific interventions, or no intervention, according to the study protocol. This is decided before the trial begins" (ClinicalTrials.gov). This property identifies the study arm in which the research subject actually took part (as opposed to the arm to which the subject was originally assigned)"The name of the arm in the study the subject actually followed as part of this study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.actualArm
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | actualStudyArm |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::actualStudyArm |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String assignedStudyArm
A study arm is "a group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial that receives specific interventions, or no intervention, according to the study protocol. This is decided before the trial begins" (ClinicalTrials.gov). This property identifies the study arm to which the research subject is assigned."The name of the arm in the study the subject is expected to follow as part of this study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.assignedArm
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | assignedStudyArm |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::assignedStudyArm |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public ConsentDirective consent
"A record of the patient's informed agreement to participate in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.consent
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | consent |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::consent |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | ConsentDirective |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Entity entity
"The record of the person or animal who is involved in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.individualNote that FHIR points to Patient, which is good for Persons and Animals, but the FHIM points to Entity in order to handle other types of subjects such as a barnyard, or a device.
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | researchSubject_entity |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1..* |
Name | entity |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::entity |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Entity |
Upper | * |
Upper Value | (*) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «II» Id identifier
"Identifiers assigned to this research study by the sponsor or other systems." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.identifier
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | * |
Name | identifier |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::identifier |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «II» Id |
Upper | * |
Upper Value | (*) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «IVL_TS» TimeInterval period
"The dates the subject began and ended their participation in the study." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.period
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | period |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::period |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «IVL_TS» TimeInterval |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code status
"The current state of the subject." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.status
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Terminologies | [ HL7_FHIR_R4 ResearchSubjectStatus http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/research-subject-status ] |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | status |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::status |
Stereotype | ValueSetConstraints |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public ResearchStudy study
"Reference to the study the subject is participating in." - HL7 FHIR, ResearchSubject.study
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | researchSubject_study |
Association End | |
Class | ResearchSubject |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | study |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | ResearchSubject |
Opposite | |
Owner | ResearchSubject |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Person::ResearchSubject::study |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | ResearchStudy |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
| Person UML Documentation |
Summary:AttributesProperties | Detail:Attributes |