The FHIM Laboratory domain focuses on laboratory orders and the electronic reporting of laboratory results, especially to an Electronic Health Record. The information classes in this domain do not include data which are used solely to operate the laboratory, or any other data which is not reported to an external entity. It is noted that in the course of developing this domain, this package at one time contained certain elements gleaned from existing systems related to Quality Control, including Sterility Control Results and Lab Quality Assurance. These were removed, but may need to be re-visited if we encounter use-cases that require the transmittal of such information. Nevertheless, such use cases would likely be modeled in a separate sub-domain or package, as the focus would be quite different. Note that the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 Subpart K (Quality Systems for Nonwaived Testing) defines the quality assurance requirements of CLIA-certified laboratories.The Laboratory domain currently does not address the needs of blood banking, transfusion services, autopsy, genomics, or food safety. While some elements required by these disciplines may exist in this model for other reasons, we have not addressed their needs. In addition, it is noted that forensics, e.g., chain of custody concerns are not fully modeled.This domain is heavily influenced by the work of the ONC S&I Framework's Lab Results Interface (LRI) Initiative, which produced an HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide for laboratory results which in turn is required for Meaningful Use. Other influences include the existing systems in use by DOD, IHS, and VA; HL7 Version 3; BRIDG; and the Life Sciences Domain Analysis Model developed by the National Cancer Institute.See the Diagram Documentation for a walkthrough of the major concepts.
Alias | |
Keywords | |
Name | Lab |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | FHIM |
Nesting Package | FHIM |
Owned Template Signature | |
Owner | FHIM |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::Lab |
Stereotype | |
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Visibility | Public |