
The FHIM Laboratory domain focuses on laboratory orders and the electronic reporting of laboratory results, especially to an Electronic Health Record. The information classes in this domain do not include data which are used solely to operate the laboratory, or any other data which is not reported to an external entity. It is noted that in the course of developing this domain, this package at one time contained certain elements gleaned from existing systems related to Quality Control, including Sterility Control Results and Lab Quality Assurance. These were removed, but may need to be re-visited if we encounter use-cases that require the transmittal of such information. Nevertheless, such use cases would likely be modeled in a separate sub-domain or package, as the focus would be quite different. Note that the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 Subpart K (Quality Systems for Nonwaived Testing) defines the quality assurance requirements of CLIA-certified laboratories.

The Laboratory domain currently does not address the needs of blood banking, transfusion services, autopsy, genomics, or food safety. While some elements required by these disciplines may exist in this model for other reasons, we have not addressed their needs. In addition, it is noted that forensics, e.g., chain of custody concerns are not fully modeled.

This domain is heavily influenced by the work of the ONC S&I Framework's Lab Results Interface (LRI) Initiative, which produced an HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide for laboratory results which in turn is required for Meaningful Use. Other influences include the existing systems in use by DOD, IHS, and VA; HL7 Version 3; BRIDG; and the Life Sciences Domain Analysis Model developed by the National Cancer Institute.

See the Diagram Documentation for a walkthrough of the major concepts.

Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise fulfillsPromise Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image order Property order Property order order Property Property promise_order Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image promise Property promise Property promise promise Property Property order_promise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image interpretationEvent Property interpretationEvent Property interpretationEvent interpretationEvent Property Property observationStatement_interpretationEvent Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image referenceRange Property referenceRange Property referenceRange referenceRange Property Property observationStatement_referenceRange Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image basedOn Property basedOn Property basedOn basedOn Property Property observationStatement_basedOn Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image evaluationProcedure Property evaluationProcedure Property evaluationProcedure evaluationProcedure Property Property observationStatement_evaluationProcedure Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image deviceInstance Property deviceInstance Property deviceInstance deviceInstance Property Property observationStatement_deviceInstance Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimen Property specimen Property specimen specimen Property Property observationStatement_specimen Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image partOf Property partOf Property partOf partOf Property Property actionPerformed_partOf Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder fulfillsOrder Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsOrder Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image procedure Property procedure Property procedure procedure Property Property procedureList_procedure Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image accessionEvent Property accessionEvent Property accessionEvent accessionEvent Property Property Association Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimen Property specimen Property specimen specimen Property Property Association Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image accessionEvent Property accessionEvent Property accessionEvent accessionEvent Property Property labTestPromise_accessionEvent Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image additive Property additive Property additive additive Property Property specimenContainer_additive Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image additive Property additive Property additive additive Property Property specimenProcessingEvent_additive Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image billingProcedureList Property billingProcedureList Property billingProcedureList billingProcedureList Property Property labTestPromise_billingProcedureList Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image performingLabsPromise Property performingLabsPromise Property performingLabsPromise performingLabsPromise Property Property labReferral_performingLabsPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image labReferral Property labReferral Property labReferral labReferral Property Property labTestPromise_labReferral Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimen Property specimen Property specimen specimen Property Property specimenProcessingEvent_specimen Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimenProcessingEvent Property specimenProcessingEvent Property specimenProcessingEvent specimenProcessingEvent Property Property specimen_specimenProcessingEvent Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pathologyReportSection Property pathologyReportSection Property pathologyReportSection pathologyReportSection Property Property pathologyResult_labReportSection Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image image Property image Property image image Property Property pathologyResult_image Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image diagnosis Property diagnosis Property diagnosis diagnosis Property Property pathologyResult_diagnosis Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image antibiotic Property antibiotic Property antibiotic antibiotic Property Property antibioticSensitivityObservationEvent_antibiotic Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image organismObserved Property organismObserved Property organismObserved organismObserved Property Property microbeIdentification_organismObserved Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image antibioticSensitivity Property antibioticSensitivity Property antibioticSensitivity antibioticSensitivity Property Property microbeIdentification_antibioticSensitivity Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image reportableResult Property reportableResult Property reportableResult reportableResult Property Property labTestPromise_reportableResult Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image definedPatientEvent Property definedPatientEvent Property definedPatientEvent definedPatientEvent Property Property specimen_definedPatientEvent Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimen Property specimen Property specimen specimen Property Property specimenAssessment_Specimen Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimenAssessment Property specimenAssessment Property specimenAssessment specimenAssessment Property Property labTestPromise_specimenAssessment Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimenHandling Property specimenHandling Property specimenHandling specimenHandling Property Property specimenAssessment_specimenHandling Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimen specimenCollectionEvent specimen specimenCollectionEvent specimen specimen specimenCollectionEvent specimenCollectionEvent specimenCollectionEvent_specimen Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image specimenContainer Property specimenContainer Property specimenContainer specimenContainer Property Property specimen_container Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Autopsy Autopsy Promise LabTestPerformed partOf hasMember derivedFrom value resultStatus reliability observedCharacteristic observed multimedia method exceptionValue description deltaFlag dateTimeIssued dateTime dataAbsentReason category bodySite ObservationStatement ActionPerformed Order ActionStatement ClinicalStatement InformationEntry referenceRange evaluationFinding MicroscopyFinding sourceSiteModifier sourceSite collectionSite collectionMethod SpecimenCollectionRequest PreOperativeDiagnosis PostOperativeDiagnosis OperativeFindings MicroscopicExamination GrossDescription FrozenSection BriefClinicalHistory PathologyReportSection quantity additiveType SpecimenAdditive accessionId accessionDate AccessionEvent DeviceInstance precedence ProcedureListEntry procedure groupedSpecimenCount description dateTime SpecimenProcessingEvent status remarks priority placerOrderId orderDate cost LabReferral assistantResultInterpreter principalResultInterpreter interpretatationText interpretation InterpretationEvent Comment url title size language hash dateCreated data contentType Image diagnosisModifier diagnosisCode contextCode Diagnosis text low kind high effectiveDate criterionDescription appliesTo ageRange ReferenceRange referenceRange residentAnatomicPathologist clinicalPathologist anatomicPathologist PathologyResult status kind identifier description category Substance strain organismTaxon lifeStage Organism referenceRange organismQuantity description MicrobeIdentification subId topicCode userDefinedAccessCheck transcription reportDate reReleaseReason probability laboratoryDirector dateTimeOfAnalysis dateDeemedReportable LaboratoryObservation text sectionTitle LabReportSection timeBeforeOrSinceEvent eventType DefinedPatientEvent referenceRange minimumInhibitoryConcentration AntibioticSensitivityObservationEvent value MeasurementWithReferenceRangeResult transportationMethod shipmentId SpecimenTransportation location SpecimenStorage lowTemperature highTemperature description dateTimeEnd dateTimeBegin SpecimenHandling status specimenTypeModifier specimenType specimenRole specimenOrigin specimenExpirationDateTime parent note identifier handlingCode duration dateTimeReceived dangerCode Specimen specimenQuantity separatorType identifier description containerType containerHeight containerDiameter containerCapacity capType bottomDeltaQuantity barrierDeltaQuantity SpecimenContainer topicCode medicalDirector producersReference dateReportCompleted LabTestPromise temperature specimenQuality specimenCondition rejectReason numberOfContainers isSpecimenAvailable dateTime currentQuantity containerCondition appropriateness SpecimenAssessment sourceSiteModifier sourceSite fastingStatusDuration fastingStatusCode collectionSite collectionMethod collectionAmount SpecimenCollectionEvent SpecimenCollectionPromise topicCode frequency specimenActionCode resultsReleaseCategory referralType intendedDuration LabTestRequest




Name Expression
Nesting PackageFHIM
Owned Template Signature
Owning Template Parameter
Qualified NameFHIM::Lab
Template Parameter