
doseAndRate Property doseAndRate Property doseAndRate doseAndRate Property Property dosage_doseAndRate Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image patientEducationPerformed Property patientEducationPerformed Property patientEducationPerformed patientEducationPerformed Property Property outpatientMedicationDispense_patientEducationPerformed Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image order Property order Property order order Property Property promise_order Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image promise Property promise Property promise promise Property Property order_promise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise fulfillsPromise Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder fulfillsOrder Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsOrder Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image diagnosisList Property diagnosisList Property diagnosisList diagnosisList Property Property order_diagnosisList Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dosage Property dosage Property dosage dosage Property Property pharmacyPromise_dosage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dosage Property dosage Property dosage dosage Property Property pharmacyRequest_dosage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image promisedItem Property promisedItem Property promisedItem promisedItem Property Property pharmacyPromise_promisedItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image asPerson Property asPerson Property asPerson asPerson Property Property dispenseRecipient_asPerson Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise pharmacyPromise Property Property pharmacyDispense_pharmacyPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image orderablePharmacyItem Property orderablePharmacyItem Property orderablePharmacyItem orderablePharmacyItem Property Property priorAuthorization_orderablePharmacyItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image priorAuthorization Property priorAuthorization Property priorAuthorization priorAuthorization Property Property pharmacyRequest_priorAuthorization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise pharmacyPromise Property Property pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification_pharmacyPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification Property pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification Property pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification Property Property pharmacyPromise_pharmacyGeneratedOrderModification Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dispensingDevice Property dispensingDevice Property dispensingDevice dispensingDevice Property Property pharmacyDispense_dispensingDevice Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image medication Property medication Property medication medication Property Property patientReportedMedication_orderablePharmacyItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image orderedItem Property orderedItem Property orderedItem orderedItem Property Property pharmacyRequest_orderedItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dispensedDrug Property dispensedDrug Property dispensedDrug dispensedDrug Property Property pharmacyDispense_dispensedDrug Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacy Property pharmacy Property pharmacy pharmacy Property Property pharmacyDispense_pharmacy Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyInferredDiagnosis Property pharmacyInferredDiagnosis Property pharmacyInferredDiagnosis pharmacyInferredDiagnosis Property Property pharmacyPromise_pharmacyInferredDiagnosis Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image indication Property indication Property indication indication Property Property pharmacyRequest_indication Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image returnToStock Property returnToStock Property returnToStock returnToStock Property Property pharmacyPromise_returnToStock Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image patientReportedMedication Property patientReportedMedication Property patientReportedMedication patientReportedMedication Property Property medicationList_patientReportedMedication Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image patientReportedMedication Property patientReportedMedication Property patientReportedMedication patientReportedMedication Property Property pharmacyPromise_patientReportedMedication Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image coAgent Property coAgent Property coAgent coAgent Property Property drugUseEvaluation_coAgent Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image drugUseEvaluation Property drugUseEvaluation Property drugUseEvaluation drugUseEvaluation Property Property pharmacyRequest_drugUseEvaluation Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image drugCoverageStatus Property drugCoverageStatus Property drugCoverageStatus drugCoverageStatus Property Property pharmacyRequest_drugCoverageStatus Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dispenseRecipient Property dispenseRecipient Property dispenseRecipient dispenseRecipient Property Property pharmacyDispense_dispenseRecipient Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyRequest Property pharmacyRequest Property pharmacyRequest pharmacyRequest Property Property medicationList_pharmacyRequest Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise Property pharmacyPromise pharmacyPromise Property Property medicationList_pharmacyPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacy Property pharmacy Property pharmacy pharmacy Property Property pharmacyRequest_pharmacy Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image pharmacy Property pharmacy Property pharmacy pharmacy Property Property pharmacyPromise_pharmacy Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image dispense Property dispense Property dispense dispense Property Property pharmacyPromise_dispense Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image rate kind dose DoseAndRate 99 (Other) 07 (Indian nations) 06 (Workers Compensation) 05 (Military installations and VA) 04 (Commercial insurance) 03 (Medicare) 02 (Medicaid) 01 (Cash) ReportedPaymentType_ASAP professionalTime percentageComplete location levelOfUnderstanding educationMethod educationBarrier educationalMaterial communicationSummary PatientEducationPerformed Promise Order ActionPerformed ActionStatement ClinicalStatement InformationEntry timing text strengthVolume strength sequence route patientInstruction method maxDosePerPeriod maxDosePerLifetime maxDosePerAdministration doseForm bodySite asNeeded additionalInstruction Dosage Person OrderModality ProductSubstitutionStatus CoAgentKind FormularyCoverage S (IV Large Volume Solutions) O (Other solution as medication orders) M (Medication) PharmacyOrder 0 (Not Specified) 8 (Manufacturer Unit of Use Package (not unit dose)) 7 (Remote Device Multi- drug Compliance) 6 (Remote Device Unit Dose) 5 (Pharmacy Multi-drug Patient Compliance Packaging) 4 (Pharmacy Unit Dose Patient Compliance Packaging) 3 (Pharmacy Unit Dose) 2 (Manufacturer Unit Dose) 1 (Not Unit Dose) SpecialPackagingIndicator UD (Unit Dose) TR (Traditional) F (Floor Stock) AD (Automatic Dispensing) DispenseMethod Z (Non-Prescription Fill) T (Trial Quantity) S (Manufacturer Sample) R (Refill - Full Fill) Q (Refill - Part Fill) P (New/Renew - Part Fill) N (New/Renew - Full Fill) C (Compassionate Fill) B (Trial Quantity Balance) DispenseType 0 (Cash) 99 (Other) 8 (Military / VA) 7 (Voucher) 6 (Coupon) 5 (Discount Program) 4 (Workers Compensation) 3 (Commercial) 2 (Medicare) 1 (Medicaid) ReportedPaymentType_NCPDP 363577004 (vein of hand) 40983000  (upper arm) 78220002  (umbilical structure) 308046002 (superficial forearm vein) 9454009   (subclavian vein) 119535006 (sternum) 41695006  (scalp) 52359001  (radial vein) 20285007  (proximal tibia) 421466002 (peripheral vein) 61685007  (lower limb) 12123001  (internal jugular vein) 29850006  (iliac crest) 85050009  (humerus) 278015009 (foot vein) 83419000  (femoral vein) 71585003  (external jugular vein) 64605006  (distal tibia) 310652005 (distal femur) 128553008 (antecubital vein) InfusionSite (blank) (Not Specified) 9 (Undetermined) 3 (Minor) 2 (Moderate) 1 (Major) ClinicalSignificance 0 (Not Specified) 15 (Level 5 (Highest)) 14 (Level 4 (High Complexity)) 13 (Level 3 (Moderate Complexity)) 12 (Level 2 (Low Complexity)) 11 (Level 1 (Lowest)) DurPpsLevelOfEffort 00 (Not Specified) 4A (Prescribed with acknowledgements) 3N (Medication Administered) 3M (Compliance Aid Provided) 3K (Instructions Understood) 3J (Patient Referral) 3H (Follow-Up/Report) 3G (Drug Therapy Unchanged) 3F (Therapy Changed) 3E (Therapy Changed) 3D (Regimen Changed) 3C (Discontinued Drug) 3B (Recommendation Not Accepted) 3A (Recommendation Accepted) 2B (Not Filled, Directions Clarified) 2A (Prescription Not Filled) 1K (Filled with Different Dosage Form) 1J (Rx-to-OTC Change) 1H (Brand-to-Generic Change) 1G (Filled, With Prescriber Approval) 1F (Filled, With Different Quantity) 1E (Filled, With Different Drug) 1D (Filled, With Different Directions) 1C (Filled, With Different Dose) 1B (Filled Prescription As Is) 1A (Filled As Is, False Positive) DueResultOfService DueReasonForService ZZ (Other Acknowledgement) TH (Therapeutic product interchange) TC (Payer/processor consulted) SW (Literature search/review) SC (Self-care consultation) RT (Recommend laboratory test) R0 (Pharmacist consulted other source) PT (Perform laboratory test) PM (Patient monitoring) PH (Patient medication history) PE (Patient education/instruction) PA (Previous patient tolerance) P0 (Patient consulted) MR (Medication review) MP (Patient will be monitored) MB (Overriding benefit) MA (Medication administration) M0 (Prescriber consulted) GP (Generic product selection) FE (Formulary enforcement) DP (Dosage evaluated) DE (Dosing evaluation/determination) CC (Coordination of care) AS (Patient assessment) 00 (No intervention) DueProfessionalService UNCLE STPSIB STPPRN STEP SPS SIGOTHR SIBINLAW SIB ROOM PUNCLE PRNINLAW PRN PGRPRN PGGRPRN PCOUSN PAUNT NSIB NPRN NIENEPH NCHILD NBOR MUNCLE MGRPRN MGGRPRN MCOUSN MAUNT HSIB GRPRN GRNDCHILD GPARNT GGRPRN FRND FAMMEMB DOMPART COUSN CHLDINLAW CHLDFOST CHILD AUNT ADOPT PersonalRelationshipRoleType status quantityAccumulated nbrOfRefillsAuthorized moneyAuthorized maximumQuantity identifier effectiveDateRange dateProcessed category PriorAuthorization Comment Comment version name modelName modelId commonDeviceName cataloglId Device OrderablePharmacyItem dispenseTagId isCompounded DispensedDrug precedence DiagnosisListEntry kind Indication quantityReturned dateReturned ReturnToStock revisedPatientInstructions revisedAdministrationInstructions revisedSig responsibleParty reason kind PharmacyGeneratedOrderModification statusReason status reasonReference reasonCode partOf isDiscontinued dosage derivedFrom dateRange dateAsserted category basedOn PatientReportedMedication requestedIvLimitation ivType infusionSite infusionRate InfusionPromise serviceResultCode reasonForService professionalServiceCode levelOfEffort dateTime clinicalSignifanceCode author acknowledgementReason DrugUseEvaluation drugCoverageCode DrugCoverageStatus relationshipToPatient DispenseRecipient code CoAgent MedicationList trackingId dateTimeReceived dateTimeMailed carrier MailOrderDispense controlledSubstanceLicenseId ncpdpId Pharmacy wasPatientCounseled salesTransactionTime salesTransactionId paymentType deliveryModality OutpatientMedicationDispense ward InpatientMedicationDispense wasSubstituted substitutionCode specialPackaging quantityDispensed reasonNotPerformed productSelectionCode pharmacist patientInstructions partialFill needsHumanReview kind isCompound fillSequenceNumber filler dispensingInstructions dispenseToLocation dispenser dispenseNotes dispenseMethod dispenseCategory detectedIssue daysSupply dateTimeFilled dateTimeDispensed actualStrength PharmacyDispense substitutionCode scheduleType requestedDuration requestedAdministrationTime numberOfRefillsRemaining numberOfRefillsOrDosesDispensed needsHumanReview lastDispenseDate isSelfAdministered isHospitalSuppliedSelfAdministered finisher expirationDate appointmentTime PharmacyPromise _stopDate _startDate treatmentType supervisor prescriberAgent pharmacyOrderSetting pharmacyOrderCategory patientInstructions numberOfRefillsAuthorized needsHumanReview neededNoLaterThan intendedDurationCode intendedDuration frequencyCode frequency expirationDate dispensingInstructions deliverToLocation deliverTo areRefillsAuthorizedAsNeeded allowSubstitutions PharmacyRequest




Name Expression
Nesting PackageFHIM
Owned Template Signature
Owning Template Parameter
Qualified NameFHIM::Pharmacy
Template Parameter