| EnrollEligCOB UML Documentation |
Class PlanSpecificCost
A healthcare-related procedure or service, to include medications and durable equipment, that is anticipated to be funded, in full or in part, by a given Healthcare Policy. This class was called CoveredBenefit but was renamed to Specific Cost in 2019 for compatibility with FHIR."Costs associated with the coverage provided by the product." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost"List of the specific benefits under this category of benefit." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit"List of the costs associated with a specific benefit." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.costNote that FHIR uses three classes to categorize the cost, while FHIM uses one. The resulting FHIM class therefore contains two categorization codes in addition to the code defining what is covered.
Attributes |
«CS» Code | applicability |
"Whether the cost applies to in-network or out-of-network providers (in-network; out-of-network; other)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.applicability
«CS» Code | benefitType |
Identifies a healthcare-related procedure or service, to include medications and durable equipment, that is anticipated to be funded, in full or in part, by a given Healthcare Policy."Type of specific benefit (preventative; primary care office visit; speciality office visit; hospitalization; emergency room; urgent care)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.type
«CS» Code | category |
"General category of benefit (Medical; Dental; Vision; Drug; Mental Health; Substance Abuse; Hospice, Home Health)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.category
«CS» Code | kind |
"Type of cost (copay; individual cap; family cap; coinsurance; deductible)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.type
«CS» Code | qualifiers |
"Additional information about the cost, such as information about funding sources (e.g. HSA, HRA, FSA, RRA)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.qualifiers
«PQ» Quantity | value |
"The actual cost value. (some of the costs may be represented as percentages rather than currency, e.g. 10% coinsurance)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.valueNote that the FHIM previously had two separate properties, coinsuranceAmount and copaymentAmount, which have been replaced by this property (when the kind property is "coinsurance" or "copayment"). The FHIR construct is more flexible as it allows for other kinds of payment types as well.
Alias | |
Classifier Behavior | |
Is Abstract | false |
Is Active | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Keywords | |
Name | PlanSpecificCost |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | EnrollEligCOB |
Owned Template Signature | |
Owner | EnrollEligCOB |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Package | EnrollEligCOB |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost |
Representation | |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code applicability
"Whether the cost applies to in-network or out-of-network providers (in-network; out-of-network; other)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.applicability
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | applicability |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::applicability |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code benefitType
Identifies a healthcare-related procedure or service, to include medications and durable equipment, that is anticipated to be funded, in full or in part, by a given Healthcare Policy."Type of specific benefit (preventative; primary care office visit; speciality office visit; hospitalization; emergency room; urgent care)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.type
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | benefitType |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::benefitType |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code category
"General category of benefit (Medical; Dental; Vision; Drug; Mental Health; Substance Abuse; Hospice, Home Health)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.category
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | category |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::category |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code kind
"Type of cost (copay; individual cap; family cap; coinsurance; deductible)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.type
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | kind |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::kind |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «CS» Code qualifiers
"Additional information about the cost, such as information about funding sources (e.g. HSA, HRA, FSA, RRA)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.qualifiers
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | * |
Name | qualifiers |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::qualifiers |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «CS» Code |
Upper | * |
Upper Value | (*) |
Visibility | Public |
Public «PQ» Quantity value
"The actual cost value. (some of the costs may be represented as percentages rather than currency, e.g. 10% coinsurance)." - HL7 FHIR, InsurancePlan.plan.specificCost.benefit.cost.valueNote that the FHIM previously had two separate properties, coinsuranceAmount and copaymentAmount, which have been replaced by this property (when the kind property is "coinsurance" or "copayment"). The FHIR construct is more flexible as it allows for other kinds of payment types as well.
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | PlanSpecificCost |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | value |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | PlanSpecificCost |
Opposite | |
Owner | PlanSpecificCost |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::EnrollEligCOB::PlanSpecificCost::value |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «PQ» Quantity |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
| EnrollEligCOB UML Documentation |