| AudiologyAndSpeechPathology UML Documentation |
Summary:AttributesProperties | Detail:Attributes |
A record of the results of diagnostic tests performed and observations made by the clinician during the Audiology And Speech Pathology visit.
Attributes | ||
«TS» PointInTime | ![]() |
The date upon which the audiometric testing was done. [FileMan 509850.6,4.23] |
String | ![]() |
Contains a narrative summary of any diagnoses attributed to the patient. Well formed narratives should: 1. Indicate type and degree of hearing loss for the frequency range from 500 to 4000 Hz. For type of loss, indicate whether it is normal, conductive, sensorineural, central, or mixed. For degree, indicate whether it is mild (26-40 dB HL), moderate (41-54 dB HL), moderately-severe (55-69 dB HL), severe (70-89 dB HL), or profound (90+ dB HL). For VA purposes, impaired hearing is considered to be a disability when the auditory threshold in any of the frequencies 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz is 40 dB HL or greater; or when the auditory thresholds for at least three of these frequencies are 26 dB HL or greater; or when speech recognition scores are less than 94%. 2. Note whether, based on audiologic results, medical follow-up is needed for an ear or hearing problem, and whether there is a problem that, if treated, might cause a change in hearing threshold levels. [FileMan 509850.6,104] |
String | ![]() |
Contains a narrative summary of any diagnostic and/or clinical test results. Well formed narratives should: Report middle-ear status, confirm type of loss, and indicate need for medical follow-up. In cases where there is poor inter-test reliability and/or positive Stenger test results, obtain and report estimates of hearing thresholds using a combination of behavioral testing, Stenger interference levels, and electrophysiological tests; and Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the examination report. [FileMan 509850.6,103] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for CID W-22 material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.16] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for Maryland consonant-vowel nucleus-consonant (CNC) material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.14] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for NU-6 material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.22] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 1000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.08] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 2000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.09] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 3000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.10] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 4000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.11] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 500Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. The 500Hz threshold is not currently used for evaluation, but is used in determining whether or not a ratable hearing loss exists. It is not included in the four-frequency average. [FileMan 509850.6,4.07] |
Integer | ![]() |
The average pure tone threshold for this patient's left ear. This indicates the average of the 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000Hz scores for the right ear, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.12] |
String | ![]() |
Contains a narrative summary of the medical history and/or subjective complaints of the patient. Well formed narratives should include: Chief Complaint; Situation of greatest difficulty; Pertinent service history;History of military, occupational, and recreational noise exposure; and If Tinnitus is present: -date and circumstances of onset, -whether it is unilateral or bilateral, -whether it is recurrent, and -the most likely etiology of the tinnitus, and if hearing loss is present, whether the tinnitus is due to the same etiology (or causative factor) as the hearing loss. [FileMan 509850.6,100] |
String | ![]() |
Contains a narrative summary of the objective findings on pure tone thresholds, speech recognition scores, etc. to evaluate the hearing loss. [FileMan 509850.6,102] |
PractitionerParticipation | ![]() |
Identifies the primary Audiology And Speech Pathology Provider who participated in this exam. [FileMan 509850.6,6]Contains the electronic signature of the audiologist who completed the exam. When the exam is signed, it is released for adequation by the supervisor. [FileMan 509850.6,4.17]Contains the date that the electronic signature was entered, thereby releasing the exam results for adequation. [FileMan 509850.6,4.18]Contains the title of the audiologist who completed the exam. [FileMan 509850.6,4.24] |
String | ![]() |
Contains a narrative summary of any information gleaned from a review of the patient's medical records that is pertinent to their hearing or speech issues. [FileMan 509850.6,100] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for CID W-22 material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.15] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for Maryland consonant-vowel nucleus-consonant (CNC) material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.13] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's word recognition score for NU-6 material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.21] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 1000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.02] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 2000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.03] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 3000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.04] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 4000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.05] |
Integer | ![]() |
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 500Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. The 500Hz threshold is not currently used for evaluation, but is used in determining whether or not a ratable hearing loss exists. It is not included in the four-frequency average. [FileMan 509850.6,4.01] |
Integer | ![]() |
The average pure tone threshold for this patient's right ear. This indicates the average of the 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000Hz scores for the right ear, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.06] |
PractitionerParticipation | ![]() |
If more than one Audiology And Speech Pathology Provider was involved in this exam, this property identifies that provider. [FileMan 509850.6,2.7->509850.66,.01] |
PractitionerParticipation | ![]() |
Contains the electronic signature of the audiologist who adequated the clinic visit. [FileMan 509850.6,4.19]Contains the date that the electronic signature was entered for the adequation of this C&P exam. [FileMan 509850.6,4.20]Contains the title of the audiologist who adequated the clinic visit. [FileMan 509850.6,4.25] |
Alias | |
Classifier Behavior | |
Is Abstract | false |
Is Active | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Keywords | |
Name | AspExamination |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AudiologyAndSpeechPathology |
Owned Template Signature | |
Owner | AudiologyAndSpeechPathology |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Package | AudiologyAndSpeechPathology |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination |
Representation | |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Visibility | Public |
Attribute Details |
Public «TS» PointInTime audiometricTestingDate
The date upon which the audiometric testing was done. [FileMan 509850.6,4.23]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | audiometricTestingDate |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::audiometricTestingDate |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | «TS» PointInTime |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String diagnosisSummary
Contains a narrative summary of any diagnoses attributed to the patient. Well formed narratives should: 1. Indicate type and degree of hearing loss for the frequency range from 500 to 4000 Hz. For type of loss, indicate whether it is normal, conductive, sensorineural, central, or mixed. For degree, indicate whether it is mild (26-40 dB HL), moderate (41-54 dB HL), moderately-severe (55-69 dB HL), severe (70-89 dB HL), or profound (90+ dB HL). For VA purposes, impaired hearing is considered to be a disability when the auditory threshold in any of the frequencies 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz is 40 dB HL or greater; or when the auditory thresholds for at least three of these frequencies are 26 dB HL or greater; or when speech recognition scores are less than 94%. 2. Note whether, based on audiologic results, medical follow-up is needed for an ear or hearing problem, and whether there is a problem that, if treated, might cause a change in hearing threshold levels. [FileMan 509850.6,104]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | diagnosisSummary |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::diagnosisSummary |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String diagnosticsSummary
Contains a narrative summary of any diagnostic and/or clinical test results. Well formed narratives should: Report middle-ear status, confirm type of loss, and indicate need for medical follow-up. In cases where there is poor inter-test reliability and/or positive Stenger test results, obtain and report estimates of hearing thresholds using a combination of behavioral testing, Stenger interference levels, and electrophysiological tests; and Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the examination report. [FileMan 509850.6,103]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | diagnosticsSummary |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::diagnosticsSummary |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftCidW22Score
The patient's word recognition score for CID W-22 material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.16]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftCidW22Score |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftCidW22Score |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftCncScore
The patient's word recognition score for Maryland consonant-vowel nucleus-consonant (CNC) material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.14]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftCncScore |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftCncScore |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftNu6Score
The patient's word recognition score for NU-6 material using the left ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.22]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftNu6Score |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftNu6Score |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThreshold1000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 1000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.08]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThreshold1000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThreshold1000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThreshold2000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 2000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.09]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThreshold2000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThreshold2000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThreshold3000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 3000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.10]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThreshold3000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThreshold3000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThreshold4000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 4000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.11]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThreshold4000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThreshold4000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThreshold500Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the left ear at 500Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. The 500Hz threshold is not currently used for evaluation, but is used in determining whether or not a ratable hearing loss exists. It is not included in the four-frequency average. [FileMan 509850.6,4.07]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThreshold500Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThreshold500Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer leftThresholdAverage
The average pure tone threshold for this patient's left ear. This indicates the average of the 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000Hz scores for the right ear, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.12]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | leftThresholdAverage |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::leftThresholdAverage |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String medicalHistorySummary
Contains a narrative summary of the medical history and/or subjective complaints of the patient. Well formed narratives should include: Chief Complaint; Situation of greatest difficulty; Pertinent service history;History of military, occupational, and recreational noise exposure; and If Tinnitus is present: -date and circumstances of onset, -whether it is unilateral or bilateral, -whether it is recurrent, and -the most likely etiology of the tinnitus, and if hearing loss is present, whether the tinnitus is due to the same etiology (or causative factor) as the hearing loss. [FileMan 509850.6,100]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | medicalHistorySummary |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::medicalHistorySummary |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String physicalExamSummary
Contains a narrative summary of the objective findings on pure tone thresholds, speech recognition scores, etc. to evaluate the hearing loss. [FileMan 509850.6,102]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | physicalExamSummary |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::physicalExamSummary |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public PractitionerParticipation primaryPerformer
Identifies the primary Audiology And Speech Pathology Provider who participated in this exam. [FileMan 509850.6,6]Contains the electronic signature of the audiologist who completed the exam. When the exam is signed, it is released for adequation by the supervisor. [FileMan 509850.6,4.17]Contains the date that the electronic signature was entered, thereby releasing the exam results for adequation. [FileMan 509850.6,4.18]Contains the title of the audiologist who completed the exam. [FileMan 509850.6,4.24]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 1 |
Lower Value | (1) |
Multiplicity | 1 |
Name | primaryPerformer |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::primaryPerformer |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | PractitionerParticipation |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public String recordReviewSummary
Contains a narrative summary of any information gleaned from a review of the patient's medical records that is pertinent to their hearing or speech issues. [FileMan 509850.6,100]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | recordReviewSummary |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::recordReviewSummary |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | String |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightCidW22Score
The patient's word recognition score for CID W-22 material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.15]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightCidW22Score |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightCidW22Score |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightCncScore
The patient's word recognition score for Maryland consonant-vowel nucleus-consonant (CNC) material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.13]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightCncScore |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightCncScore |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightNu6Score
The patient's word recognition score for NU-6 material using the right ear. This score is a percentage between 0 and 100. [FileMan 509850.6,4.21]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightNu6Score |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightNu6Score |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThreshold1000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 1000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.02]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThreshold1000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThreshold1000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThreshold2000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 2000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.03]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThreshold2000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThreshold2000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThreshold3000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 3000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.04]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThreshold3000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThreshold3000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThreshold4000Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 4000Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.05]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThreshold4000Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThreshold4000Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThreshold500Hz
The patient's pure tone threshold in the right ear at 500Hz, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. The 500Hz threshold is not currently used for evaluation, but is used in determining whether or not a ratable hearing loss exists. It is not included in the four-frequency average. [FileMan 509850.6,4.01]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThreshold500Hz |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThreshold500Hz |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public Integer rightThresholdAverage
The average pure tone threshold for this patient's right ear. This indicates the average of the 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000Hz scores for the right ear, expressed as an integer between -10 and 105. [FileMan 509850.6,4.06]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | rightThresholdAverage |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::rightThresholdAverage |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | Integer |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
Public PractitionerParticipation secondaryPerformer
If more than one Audiology And Speech Pathology Provider was involved in this exam, this property identifies that provider. [FileMan 509850.6,2.7->509850.66,.01]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | * |
Name | secondaryPerformer |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::secondaryPerformer |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | PractitionerParticipation |
Upper | * |
Upper Value | (*) |
Visibility | Public |
Public PractitionerParticipation verifier
Contains the electronic signature of the audiologist who adequated the clinic visit. [FileMan 509850.6,4.19]Contains the date that the electronic signature was entered for the adequation of this C&P exam. [FileMan 509850.6,4.20]Contains the title of the audiologist who adequated the clinic visit. [FileMan 509850.6,4.25]
Aggregation | None |
Alias | |
Association | |
Association End | |
Class | AspExamination |
Datatype | |
Default | |
Default Value | |
Is Composite | false |
Is Derived | false |
Is Derived Union | false |
Is Leaf | false |
Is Ordered | false |
Is Read Only | false |
Is Static | false |
Is Unique | true |
Keywords | |
Lower | 0 |
Lower Value | (0) |
Multiplicity | 0..1 |
Name | verifier |
Name Expression | |
Namespace | AspExamination |
Opposite | |
Owner | AspExamination |
Owning Association | |
Owning Template Parameter | |
Qualified Name | FHIM::AudiologyAndSpeechPathology::AspExamination::verifier |
Stereotype | |
Template Parameter | |
Type | PractitionerParticipation |
Upper | 1 |
Upper Value | (1) |
Visibility | Public |
| AudiologyAndSpeechPathology UML Documentation |
Summary:AttributesProperties | Detail:Attributes |