Diagram _DialysisQOL

Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image responseItem Property responseItem Property responseItem responseItem Property Property assessmentEvent_responseItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image assessmentInstrument Property assessmentInstrument Property assessmentInstrument assessmentInstrument Property Property assessmentEvent_assessmentInstrument Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image answer Property answer Property answer answer Property Property responseItem_answer Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image CodeIsTimeOnDialysis CodeIsRcvsHomeADLSvcs CodeIsRcvsHomeHCSvcs LA33-6 LA32-8 RcvsHomeADLSvcsType value RcvsHomeADLSvcs possibleResponse QuestionRcvsHomeADLSvcs LA33-6 LA32-8 RcvsHomeHCSvcsType value ResponseRcvsHomeHCSvcs possibleResponse QuestionRcvsHomeHCSvcs CodeIsDiabetesPresent LA33-6 LA32-8 IsDiabetesPresentType Comment value ResponseTimeOnDialysis QuestionTimeOnDialysis value ResponseDiabetesPresent possibleResponse QuestionDiabetesPresent CodeIsRenalFailureCause kind RenalFailureCauseType value ResponseRenalFailureCause possibleResponse QuestionRenalFailureCause CodeIsGeographicAreaOfResidence newCode3 newCode2 newCode1 GeographicAreaOfResidenceType possibleResponse QuestionGeographicAreaOfResidence value ResponseGeographicAreaOfResidence CodeIsKarnofskyRating LA9627-6 LA29184-1 LA29183-3 LA29182-5 LA29181-7 LA29180-9 LA29179-1 LA29178-3 LA29177-5 LA29176-7 LA29175-9 KarnofskyRatingType value ResponseKarnofskyRating possibleResponse QuestionKarnofskyRating AssessmentIsDialysisPatientQOL isHispanic otherRaceEthnicity racialEthnicGroup administrativeGender dateOfBirth DialysisPatientQOLAssessment AssessmentEvent ResponseItem KindIsDialysisPatientQOL Comment value ResponseOverallHealth Comment CodeIsOverallHealth DialysisPatientQOLResponse Answer newCode7 newCode6 newCode5 newCode4 newCode3 newCode2 newCode1 OverallHealthType Question DialysisPatientQOLQuestion possibleResponse QuestionOverallHealth name DialysisPatientQOL AssessmentInstrument


Name_DialysisQOLTypeClass Diagram