
The Prosthetics domain originates from the VA VistA system. The FHIM team has not yet undertaken to model this domain, so it is largely a reflection of the VistA as-is data elements with the FHIM modeling style applied.

The Prosthetics domain deals with orders to supply a new or repair an existing prosthetic device for a given patient. While the VA VistA package does not encompass the full order-promise data elements as modeled in the FHIM, there logically is an Order and a fulfillment event, so we have modeled these classes as subtypes of Order and Promise.

requestingLocation Property requestingLocation Property requestingLocation requestingLocation Property Property prostheticsRequest_requestingLocation Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise Property fulfillsPromise fulfillsPromise Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsPromise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image promise Property promise Property promise promise Property Property order_promise Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image order Property order Property order order Property Property promise_order Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder Property fulfillsOrder fulfillsOrder Property Property actionPerformed_fulfillsOrder Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image diagnosisList Property diagnosisList Property diagnosisList diagnosisList Property Property order_diagnosisList Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image visit Property visit Property visit visit Property Property prostheticsPromise_visit Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image fillingLocation Property fillingLocation Property fillingLocation fillingLocation Property Property prostheticsPromise_fillingLocation Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image organization Property organization Property organization organization Property Property vendor_organization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image vendor Property vendor Property vendor vendor Property Property prostheticsPromise_vendor Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image deviceInstance Property deviceInstance Property deviceInstance deviceInstance Property Property prothesis_deviceInstance Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image prothesis Property prothesis Property prothesis prothesis Property Property prostheticsPromise_prothesis Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image hcpcsProcedureList Property hcpcsProcedureList Property hcpcsProcedureList hcpcsProcedureList Property Property prostheticsPromise_hcpcsProcedureList Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image procedure Property procedure Property procedure procedure Property Property procedureList_procedure Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image provisionalDiagnosis Property provisionalDiagnosis Property provisionalDiagnosis provisionalDiagnosis Property Property prostheticsRequest_provisionalDiagnosis Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image diagnosis Property diagnosis Property diagnosis diagnosis Property Property diagnosisList_diagnosis Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Promise Order DeviceInstance Comment EncounterEvent telecom serviceType name identifier dateRange category address ServiceDeliveryLocation telecom name kind isActive alias address Organization Vendor quantity prostheticHCPCS Prothesis precedence ProcedureListEntry ActionPerformed precedence DiagnosisListEntry diagnosisModifier diagnosisCode contextCode Diagnosis transactionType requestType requestDate patientCategory deviceKind dateRxWritten ProstheticsRequest vendorTrackingId transactionType transactionForm issueDate description deliveryDate acquisitionSource accessionDate ProstheticsPromise




Name Expression
Nesting PackageFHIM
Owned Template Signature
Owning Template Parameter
Qualified NameFHIM::Prosthetics
Template Parameter