Diagram _Cage

Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image responseItem Property responseItem Property responseItem responseItem Property Property assessmentEvent_responseItem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image assessmentInstrument Property assessmentInstrument Property assessmentInstrument assessmentInstrument Property Property assessmentEvent_assessmentInstrument Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image answer Property answer Property answer answer Property Property responseItem_answer Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Usage Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image CodeIsEyeOpener CodeIsGuilty CodeIsAnnoyed LA33-6 LA32-8 EyeOpenerType value ResponseEyeOpener possibleResponse QuestionEyeOpener LA33-6 LA32-8 GuiltyType value ResponseGuilty possibleResponse QuestionGuilty LA33-6 LA32-8 AnnoyedType value ResponseAnnoyed possibleResponse QuestionAnnoyed AssessmentIsCage CageAssessment AssessmentEvent ResponseItem KindIsCage Comment value ResponseCutDown Comment CodeIsCutdown CageResponse Answer LA33-6 LA32-8 CutDownType Question CageQuestion possibleResponse QuestionCutDown name CAGE AssessmentInstrument


Name_CageTypeClass Diagram