Diagram VitalSignsHeartRate

subjectOfRecord Property subjectOfRecord Property subjectOfRecord subjectOfRecord Property Property clinicalStatement_subjectOfRecord Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image observation Property observation Property observation observation Property Property vitalSignsObservationList_observation Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image status patientId mothersIdentifier endDate beginDate Patient ClinicalStatement TopicIsHeartRate ValueIsBPM patientStateExertionQualifier patientPositionQualifier value method bodySite HeartRateObservation VitalSignsObservationList InformationEntry partOf hasMember derivedFrom value resultStatus reliability observedCharacteristic observed multimedia method exceptionValue description deltaFlag dateTimeIssued dateTime dataAbsentReason category bodySite ObservationStatement 309604004 (During Exercise) 263678003 (At Rest) 255214003 (After Exercise) PatientStateExertionStatus 34106002 (Trendelenburg) 30212006 (Supine, head raised) 414585002 (Supine with left lateral tilt) 40199007 (Supine) 10904000 (Standing) 33586001 (Seated) 1240000 (Prone) 102535000 (Lying on right side) 102536004 (Lying on left side) 102538003 (Lying) 26527006 (Inverse Trendelenburg) PatientMeasurementBodyPosition 368505008 (Structure Of Right Ulnar Artery) 368503001 (Structure Of Right Radial Artery) 214811007 (Structure Of Right Posterior Tibial Artery) 57832007 (Structure Of Right Popliteal Artery) 69833005 (Structure Of Right Femoral Artery) 368506009 (Structure Of Left Ulnar Artery) 368504007 (Structure Of Left Radial Artery) 214912001 (Structure Of Left Posterior Tibial Artery) 113270003 (Structure Of Left Femoral Artery) -newcode- (Right Dorsalis Pedis Artery) 65355003 (Right Common Carotid Artery Structure) -newCode- (Right Brachial Artery) 25885001 (Left Popliteal Artery Structure) -newcode- (Left Dorsalis Pedis Artery) 113263003 (Left Common Carotid Artery Structure) -newCode- (Left Brachial Artery) 128617001 (Arteriovenous Fistula) 13383001 (Apex Of Heart) HeartRateMeasurementSite 113011001 (Palpation) -newcode- (Monitor) -newcode- (Electrocardiography) -newcode- (Doppler) 37931006 (Auscultation) HeartRateMeasurementMethod


NameVitalSignsHeartRateTypeClass Diagram